R2-S4M - The Black Series 3.75" - 2016

There was no additional information on the box but the Entertainment Earth website had following information: Jabba's bartender was never given an official name in the books or movies, but his design may remind you of some Earth-based beverages. With his drink dispenser, seven glasses, and a tray harness, this never-before-fully-seen droid served aboard Jabba the Hutt's sail barge. Also, if you look to the shadows, you may find him in Return of the Jedi. We recommend skipping the shadows and getting one of our droids to keep on your desk and another in your Jabba's palace dioramas and playsets (sold separately).

R2-S4M Entertainment Earth 6-Pack

Featured Figures

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Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, Episode1Basic1
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