Snowtrooper - The Force Awakens Collection - 2015

The latest generation of cold weather assault Stormtroopers, Snowtroopers wear advanced insulated armor and helmets that reduce the glare of icy terrain.

Snowtrooper First Order

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Imperial Officer figure, tvctroopbuilders
Tion Medon figure, ROTSPreview
Geonosian Warrior figure, TCWDeluxe
Luke Skywalker figure, VintageEsb
Mandalorian figure, tvctroopbuilders
Antares Draco figure, TLCComic2-pack
Anakin Skywalker figure, ctsmulti
Rabé figure, OTCPost
Dengar figure, retro2pack
Han Solo figure, esb40
Imperial Rocket Trooper figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Chewbacca figure, BlackSeries40
Jawa figure, OTCBasic
ARC Trooper figure, TLCBasic2008
Han Solo figure, TACBattlepack
Darth Vader figure, TheLastJediClassA
Porg figure, TVCExclusive2
Bo-Katan Kryze figure, blackseriesphase4creditcollection
Grand Moff Tarkin figure, TACComic2-pack
Luke Skywalker figure, SAGA2002
Naboo Royal Security figure, Episode1Basic2
R2-Q5 figure, ctsmulti
Hondo Ohnaka figure, TCW2009
Oppo Rancisis figure, SAGAScreenScene