Luke Skywalker - Celebrate The Saga - 2020

The Rebel Alliance stood bravely against the evil of the Galactic Empire, never backing down despite overwhelming odds.

Luke Skywalker Rebel Alliance 5-Pack

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Admiral Thrawn figure, tvctwobasic
Kylo Ren figure, DisneyEliteSeriesDieCastBasic2017
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Chewbacca figure, RogueOneNoneTraditional
Imperial Engineer figure, TLCBasic2008
Bom Vimdin figure, TVCBasic
Durge figure, CWANIMATEDBasic
Hoth Rebel Trooper figure, tvcrereleases
Grand Moff Tarkin figure, blackseriesphase4archive
Quinlan Vos figure, TLCComic2-pack
Boba Fett figure, POTF2DELUXE2
BB-8 figure, Galaxy3Packs
Imperial Scanning Crew figure, TVCExclusive
501st Legion Trooper figure, TACLegends
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, SOTDSBluRay4pack
Graxol Kelvyyn figure, Episode1cinemascene
Clone Trooper Denal figure, TCW2009
Snap Wexley figure, tfapack
Stormtrooper figure, TACBasic2007
Luthen Rael figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Princess Leia Organa figure, tvctwobasic
General Grievous figure, CW2
General Rieekan figure, TSCBasic
Princess Leia Organa figure, blackseriesphase4basic