Ree-Yees - The Black Series 3.75" - 2014

One of the lowlife criminals in Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine, Rees-Yees is part of the excited crowd that eagerly watches Luke fight for his life in the rancor pit.

Ree-Yees Return Of The Jedi

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Tie Fighter Pilot figure, StarWarsToyBoxVehicles
Biker Scout figure, swlm
General Grievous figure, TCW2009
Wuher figure, POTF2special
Kneesa figure, TVCExclusive2
Tusken Raider figure, tvctroopbuilders
AT-AT Driver figure, TVC3-pack
Q9-0 figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Gamorrean Guard figure, tvcrereleases
Darth Maul figure, tfaclass4
Magnaguard Droid figure, ROTSBattleArena
Grogu figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Boba Fett figure, TLC2
Han Solo figure, Solo2pack
Tracto Droid figure, vintageAnhPackIn
Han Solo figure, blackthreeitaly
Quay Tolsite figure, Solobasic
Darth Vader figure, TLCComic2-pack
Bogling figure, blackseriesphase4halloween
Dr. Evazan figure, OTCScreenScene
Poe Dameron figure, ctsmulti
Barada figure, TSCBasic
Ahsoka Tano figure, blackthree
R2-D2 figure, TVCExclusive2