R4-H18 - The Disney Collection - 2018

All different types of droids populate the Star Wars galaxy. Each droid is different and has their own unique personality and colors.

This droid faithfully serves the elite guests at the casino city known as Canto Bight. Join R4-H18 on his adventures throughout the galaxy.

May the Force be with you ... and your Droids!

R4-H18 Holiday 2018

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Paploo figure, TLC2
Darth Vader figure, ROTSSpecial
Battle Droid figure, TVCBasic
Biker Scout figure, bsgaminggreats
R2-D2 figure, DTFBattlepack
C-3PO figure, DisneyEliteSeriesDieCastD23
Naboo Royal Security figure, Episode1Basic2
Dengar figure, blackseriesphase4archive
Darth Vader figure, MHBasic
Plo Koon figure, SAGA2002
Night Trooper figure, tvctroopbuilders
Republic Trooper figure, tvcrereleases
Cassian Andor figure, RogueOneVs
Anakin Skywalker figure, TACBattlepack
R2-T7 figure, SOTDSBattlepack
Galactic Marine figure, TACBasic2007
Weazel figure, Solomultipack
Bad Pete figure, DisneyCharacterFiguresWeekends
Darth Vader figure, OTCBasic
Darth Maul figure, StarWarsToyBoxBasic
Yarna D'Al'Gargan figure, TLCBasic2008
C1-10P Chopper figure, tfapack
Admiral Piett figure, tvctwobasic
Logray figure, VintageEwoks